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Driving While License Revoked in North Carolina

Driving While License Revoked in North Carolina

Driving With A License Revoked/Suspended in North Carolina, NC

If you were charged with driving while your license was revoked in North Carolina, don’t plead guilty. If you simply pay the fine and hope the matter goes away, you are likely to end up in a far worse situation. If you plead guilty, your driver’s license will automatically be revoked for at least another year — and maybe permanently.

A better idea is to contact a traffic violation attorney like me, The Law Firm of Brent D. Ratchford. Based in Gastonia, my law firm serves individuals throughout the area. I have been practicing criminal defense and traffic law in Gaston County since 1997, so I have the detailed local knowledge you need to fight a Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) charge.

driving while license revoked dwlr nc attorney

The Penalties Are More Serious Than You May Think

A DWLR charge is far more serious than a speeding ticket. It is actually a criminal misdemeanor that carries up to 120 days of jail time. Plus, a conviction will increase your car insurance rates by 190 percent.

A DWLR charge is far more serious than a speeding ticket. It is actually a criminal misdemeanor that carries up to 120 days of jail time. Plus, a conviction could increase your car insurance rates by 190 percent.

In addition, you can’t just mail a check to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and be done with it. You are required by law to appear in court in person, or to have a lawyer appear in your place.

driving while license revoked dwlr nc lawyer

Getting Your License Back Is The First Step

My goal is to help you regain your driving privileges. If I can get your driver’s license reinstated, I may also be able to get the DWLR charge dismissed altogether. The district attorney’s office would rather have you on the road legally than not, so it is often willing to cooperate to clean up old traffic tickets and other violations on your record.

Contact Gastonia License Revocation Attorney Today

If you are interested in learning how I can fight for your license and for the dismissal of the current charges against you, request a free initial consultation. Simply call my Gastonia office at 704-868-3434 or contact me online.


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